Disciplina Curricular

Métodos de Decisão Multi-Critério em Gestão Florestal e Planeamento do Uso do Território MDM-GFPUT

Mestrado Bolonha em Gestão da Floresta e dos Recursos Naturais no Mediterrâneo - MEDFOR 2012-2013


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


(1) To know the terminology, basic concepts and elements of strategic, tactical and operational ecosystem management at different spatial scales, (2) to understand the relevance of economic concepts to address ecosystem management, (3) to get familiar with model building and model solving techniques to address natural resources management, (4) to develop skills to evaluate and use decision support systems and intelligent systems, (5) acquire experience in applying models and information and communication technology to address natural resource management problems.


1. Introduction to forest ecosystem management planning. Review of forest management planning concepts. Hierarchy and integration of time scales (strategic, tactical and operational) and spatial scales (management unit, property, landscape, region). 2. Economics and evaluation of projects. Economic concepts to address forest ecosystems management and conservation. The case of non-market goods and services. Valuation methods. Project analysis and evaluation. Ecosystem management planning at landscape or regional scales and stand-level economic analysis. 3. Forest ecosystems multi-objective management planning. Strategic management planning: models I and II. Management planning at the landscape scale and scenario analysis: the Hoganson Rose model. Integration of management and conservation planning processes: exact methods and heuristic approaches. Multiple decision makers: approaches to integrate collaborative management planning at landscape scale and management planning at the property scale. Operational and tactical planning. Organization of space, accessibility and operational choices. Logistical problems: exact methods and heuristic methods. 4. Information and communication technology in natural resource management: decision support systems and knowledge-based systems. The modular structure. Information management systems. Silviculture models and management alternatives simulator. Decision modules. Results interpretation. 5. Mediterranean forestry applications to integrated land use planning – information and communication technology. Literature review

Métodos de ensino e avaliação

The evaluation will be based on the literature review and final exam. The literature review should be presented in class (10 minutes presentation).
The final grade will be determined as follows:
- Literature review: 40%
- Test 1: 30%
- Test 2: 30%
Or if a minimum grade = 10 is not met in Test 1 or in Test 2:
- Final exam: 60%
The evaluation schedule is as follows:
- The literature review proposal should be submitted by October 9. It should be completed at the date of its presentation in class.
The evaluation schedule is as follows:
- Test 1: 30/10
- Test 2: 17/12
- Literature Review Presentation: 18/12
- Final Exam: date to be defined.

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