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Atividades de Investigação (Link)

Publicações recentes (Link)

* Monteiro-Henriques, T., Martins, M. J., Cerdeira, J. O., Silva, P., Arsénio, P., Silva, Á., Bellu, A. and Costa, J. C. (2015), "Bioclimatological mapping tackling uncertainty propagation: application to mainland Portugal". International Journal of Climatology. (doi: 10.1002/joc.4357).

* M. Ivette Gomes, Fernanda Figueiredo, M. João Martins, M. Manuela Neves (2015). "Resampling Methodologies and Reliable Tail Estimation". South African Statist. J., 49, 1–20 (http://reference.sabinet.co.za/webx/access/electronic_journals/sasj/sasj_v49_n1_a1.pdf).

* J. Orestes Cerdeira, T. Monteiro-Henriques, M. João Martins, Pedro C. Silva, D. Alagador, Aldina M.A. Franco (2014). "Mathematical contributions to link biota with environment". Journal of Vegetation Science 25, 1148–1153 (doi: 10.1111/jvs.12188).

* Pedro C. Silva, J. Orestes Cerdeira, M. João Martins, T. Monteiro-Henriques (2014). “Data depth for the uniform distribution”. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 21, 27-39 (doi: 10.1007/s10651-013-0242-7).

* M. Ivette Gomes, M. João Martins, M. Manuela Neves (2013). "Generalised Jackknife-Based Estimators for Univariate Extreme-Value Modelling". Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 42:7, 1227-1245 (doi: 10.1080/03610926.2012.725263).

* Filipe S. Dias, Miguel N. Bugalho, J. Orestes Cerdeira, M. João Martins (2013). "Is forest certification targeting areas of high biodiversity in cork oak savannas?" Biodiversity and  Conservation 22:1, 93-112 (doi: 10.1007/s10531-012-0401-4).

* Francisca C. Aguiar, Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Maria João Martins, Maria Teresa Ferreira (2013). "Riparian forests of Southwest Europe: are functional trait and species composition assemblages constrained by environment?". Journal of Vegetation Science 24, 628–638 (doi: 10.1111/jvs.12009).

* J. Orestes Cerdeira, M. João Martins, Pedro C. Silva (2012). "A combinatorial approach to assess the separability of clusters", Journal of Classification, 29:1, 7-22 (doi: 10.1007/s00357-012-9098-z).

* Diogo Alagador, Maria João Martins, Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Mar Cabeza, Miguel Bastos Araújo (2011). "A probability-based approach to match species with reserves when data are at different resolutions", Biological Conservation, 144, 811–820. (doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.11.011).