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Pedro Miguel Ramos Arsénio ResearcheGate Profile: Pedro Arsénio Research interests Current research activities are mainly related with floristic and synecological studies of plant communities, as well as flora and vegetation cartography. These encompass the following main subjects: a) Floristic and chorological studies, mainly on menaced flora; b) Plant community studies, namely the description of natural and semi natural plant communities, its sucessional relations and ecological preferences, as well as applied vegetation cartography studies; c) Landscape scale studies on vegetation diversity and its evaluation for conservation purposes; d) Bioclimate, Biogeographical and Natural Potential Vegetation modelling. Temporihygrophilous vegetation mosaic of Arrimal (Serra dos Candieiros, Portugal): 1.Oenantho crocatae-Quercetum pyrenaicae, 2.Rubo ulmifolii-Prunetum insititioidis, 3.Trifolio pratensis-Phalaridetum lusitanicae, 4.Baloto foetidae-Arctietum minoris. (source: COSTA, ESPÍRITO SANTO & ARSÉNIO, 2010) Compared studies between ecological quality (with a focus on plant communities) and landscape visual quality, in Mediterranean ecosystems. Map of Landscape Visual Quality (right) based of preferences expressed by the public. The top left maps correspond to the considered factors in the performed linear regression. The bottom left diagram specifies different situations regarding waterviews (one of the considered factors), and the centre photos ilustrate the public surveys carried out, based on a 50 photograph q-sample. (source: ARSÉNIO, 2012.) Current Position Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior de Agronomia (University of Lisbon), July 2012-present LEAF Researcher, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, January 2015-present Coordinator of Herbarium "João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos" (Index Herbariorum code: LISI), December 2015-present Participation in nationally funded scientific research projects: PTDC/AUR-AQI/113587/2009. “Sea Architectures”; February 2011-January 2014 PTDC/AUR-URB/102578/2008. “National Ecological Network - a proposal of mapping and policies”; March 2010- February 2013 PTDC/AAC-AMB/113394/2009. “Species Performance Modeling Algorithm (S-PerforMA)”; January 2010-December 2013 |