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Desenho (2 º Sem 2014/2015)




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  • Draw! A Visual Aproach to Thinkin, Learning and Communicating. California: William Kaufmann, Inc. , Hanks, K., & Belliston, L., 1977,
  • Perspectives. Washington: American Society of Lanscape Architects. , Hiss, J. E., 1985,
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  • Corso di Disegno - La descrizione dell'ambiente. Roma: Editori Laterza. , Benevolo, L., 1986,
  • Architecture: Form, Space & Order. New York: Van NostrandReinhold Company. , Ching, F. D., 1979,
  • The RSVP Cycles - Creative Processes in the Human Environment. New York: George Braziller. , Halprin, L., 1969,
  • Draw! A Visual Aproach to Thinkin, Learning and Communicating. California: William Kaufmann, Inc. , Hanks, K., & Belliston, L., 1977,
  • Perspectives. Washington: American Society of Lanscape Architects. , Hiss, J. E., 1985,
  • Great Streets. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Tecnology. , Jacobs, A. B., 1993,
  • Métodos de diseño. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili. , Jones, C., 1976,
  • Landscape Architecture Construction. New York: Elsevier. , Landphair, H., & Klatt, F., 1979,
  • London: Institute of Landscape Architects. , Landscape Design with Plants., 1977,
  • Paris: Les Editions du Demi-Cercle. , Le Dessin et l'Architecte., 1992,
  • Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. London: Harpercollins. , Repton, H., 1985,
  • The Red Books. London: The Basilisk Press. , Repton, H., 1976,
  • The Planting Design Handbook. Vermont: Gower Publishing. , Robinson, N., 1992,
  • The Drawing Book. London: Dorling Kindersley. , Simblet, S., 2004,
  • From Line to Design. Design Graphics Communication. Arizona: PDA Publishers Corporation. , VanDyke, S., 1985,
  • Plan Graphics. Drawing, Delineation, Lettering. West Lafayette: PDA Publishers Corporation. Bibliografia Complementar , Walker, T. D., 1975,