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Governança Florestal (1 º Sem 2017/2018)



Tipo do Turno:

18/12/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Forest Political Processes


Forest Political Processes.

The relation between policy, strategy, action plan and NFP

Stakeholder analysis matrix

The Forest Strategy process

Modificado em 05/03/2018 16:10 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 12 alunos.

15/12/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

National Forest Programs: a concept for sustainable forest management


Forest Political Processes.

Forest Policies. National Forest Programs: a concept for sustainable forest management

Definition, origin and added value of the nfp concept.

Modificado em 02/01/2018 11:31 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 12 alunos.

11/12/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Institutions, rules and actors.


Institutional analysis. E. Ostrom framework.

The case of common pool resource management

Elinor Ostrom’s argument

Key actors, interest groups and interest groups influence.

Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s)

Policy networks

Governance networks. Social networks.

Network governance.

Advocacy coalitions





Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:25 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

04/12/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Presentations by the students. Instututions


Presentations by the students on readings of scientific papers on different themes followed by discussion in class.

Institutions, rules and actors.

Political actors and their expression. Interest groups and Networks.

Institutional theory. Formal and informal institutions.

Institutional arrangements



Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:22 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

27/11/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Presentations by the studenst


Presentations by the students on readings of scientific papers on different themes followed by discussion in class.

Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:20 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

24/11/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Global environmental governance


Global environmental governance. History and Milestones of International Forest Policy. International processes. ForestEurope process.

Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:19 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

20/11/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Forests and Globalization


Sustainable development. Forests and sustainability. Sustainable forest management.

Global governance. Multilevel governance.


Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:18 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 13 alunos.

17/11/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Forests and Globalization


Sustainability. Sustainable development. Sustainable forest management. Global governance. International processes.

Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:16 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 12 alunos.

13/11/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

What is Governance? Environmental Governance.


What is Governance? Environmental Governance.

Power distribution in society: theories.

Theories of power and the policy process

Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:15 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 13 alunos.

10/11/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Orders of governance. Exercise in class.


Exercise in class.To examine how an environmental and/or forest  issue of the students choice is governed at the first, second and meta-governance levels.

Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:14 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

06/11/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

What is Governance? Environmental Governance.


What is Governance? Environmental Governance.

Orders of governance. Exercise in class.To examine how an environmental and/or forest  issue of the students choice is governed at the first, second and meta-governance levels.

Modificado em 12/12/2017 11:12 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

03/11/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Environmental Governance.


What is Governance? Environmental Governance.

Governmentality. “Good governance”.

Modificado em 06/11/2017 10:23 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 13 alunos.

30/10/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

What is Governance? Environmental Governance.


What is Governance? Environmental Governance.

The Meanings of Governance. From government to governance. Foucault´s governmentality.

Modificado em 06/11/2017 10:22 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

27/10/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Forest Policies and Governance


Forest Policies and Governance

Considerations about Forest Policy (FAO)

Modificado em 06/11/2017 10:21 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 12 alunos.

23/10/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Forest Policies and Governance


Forest Policies and Governance

Forests as natural resources. Forest Policies.

Modificado em 23/10/2017 14:19 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 15 alunos.

20/10/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Forest policies and forest governance

Forest Policy. Theories of decision-making in the context of the policy process.

Agenda setting

Modificado em 23/10/2017 14:18 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 14 alunos.

16/10/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

The policy process. Stages of the policy process (cont.).

Theories of decision-making in the context of the policy process (cont.)

Models of the policy process.

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:52 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 12 alunos.

13/10/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Field Trip

Field trip to Peninsula de Setúbal, Arrábida, Meco

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:50 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 12 alunos.

09/10/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

The policy process. Stages of the policy process (cont.).

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:49 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 10 alunos.

06/10/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

Political systems. The policy process. Stages of the policy process.

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:47 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 9 alunos.

02/10/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

Notes on Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”. The concept of alienation.

Analytical comments on Hannah Arendt’s essay “Truth and politics”.

Discussion in class.

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:45 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 10 alunos.

29/09/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

Concept of power and power exercise. Soft and hard power.

The dimensions of power exercise.

Power legitimizing process.

Weberian types of authority

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:44 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 9 alunos.

25/09/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

What is Politics?

Political action

Policies and politics

Modificado em 16/10/2017 15:43 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 9 alunos.

22/09/2017 08:30 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

Definitions of governance and discussion about the concept.

Reading and comments on the texts:

“what is the purpose of politics?” by Prof. Viriato Soromenho-Marques

“Governing the World” by Mark Mazower

Modificado em 25/09/2017 09:55 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 10 alunos.

18/09/2017 11:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Governance in a wider political context


Governance in a wider political context

Definitions of governance and discussion about the concept.

Modificado em 25/09/2017 09:54 Prof. Pedro César Ochôa de Carvalho Presenças: 10 alunos.