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Modelação dos Recursos Florestais (1 º Sem 2014/2015)



Aulas de Problemas

Aula 1

Practical exercises

Practical exercises (Excel):

- determination of mean annual increment and current annual increment

- the effect of cork age on growth and yield

Aula 2

Growth functions


Empirical versus mechanistic or theoretical growth functions
Growth functions of the Lundqvist-Korf type  
Growth functions of the Richards type    
Growth functions of the Hossfeld IV type    
Other growth functions      

Aula 3

Practical exercises on growth functions

Practical exercises on growth functions (Excel)

Aula 4

Growth functions (cont)


Formulating growth functions without age explicit  
Families of growth curves      
  Expressing parameters as function of site and stand variables
  Formulating the growth functions as difference equations
  Mixed-effects modeling      
  Combination of methods      

Aula 5

Practical exercises on growth functions

Practical exercises on growth functions (Excel): part II

Aula 6

Individual tree models
Indices of individual-tree competition  
Modules, principal and derived variables  
Modeling tree diameter and height growth  
Predicting tree mortality    
Prediction modules      

Aula 7

The SUBER model

Model structure, input, output, usage (the simflor platform).


Aula 8

The SUBER model (cont)

Conclusion of exercises with the SUBER model