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Pragas e Doenças Florestais (1 º Sem 2013/2014)




  • Plant Pathology. 5th ed., Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, USA. , Agrios, GN, 2005.,
  • Forest Health and Protection. McGraw-Hill Companies. , Edmonds, RL, Agee, JK, Gara, RI, 2000.,
  • Tree Disease Concepts. 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, USA. , Manion, PD, 1991.,
  • Ecological Methods in Forest Pest Management. Oxford University Press Inc., New York. , Wainhouse D., 2005,,


  • Ecology and Management of Forest Insects. Oxford University Clarendon Press, USA. , Speight, MR, Wainhouse, D, 1989.,
  • Introduction to Plant Pathology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, England , Starnge, RN, 2003.,
  • Textos e artigos disponibilizados pelos docentes , n/a, n/a,