
class 7 (online)

12 Março 2020, 14:00 Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira

Descriptive statistics in R. Slides and an R script with exercises and respective resolutions were provided for the students.

Class 6

9 Março 2020, 14:00 Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira

Objects of type function. Descriptive Statistics in R.

Class 5

5 Março 2020, 14:00 Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira

Programming in R. Conditional statements. Loops. The apply family.

Class 4

2 Março 2020, 14:00 Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira

Objects of type function. Basic components of pre-written functions available in R. : argument list,
body (set of commands) and environment. Reading from files. Writing to files.

Class 3

27 Fevereiro 2020, 14:00 Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira

Introduction to R. Objects of type vector, matrix, list and data.frame.Objects of type function.