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- FV-Aula 12-Plantas em C3-II.pdf
- Apontamentos sobre a RuBisCO.pdf
- Artigo-1-Rubisco.pdf
- Artigo-2-Rubisco.pdf
- Artº 1-Specificity Factor.pdf
- Artº 2-Specificity Factor.pdf
- Artº 3-Specificity Factor.pdf
- Artº 4-Specificity Factor.pdf
- Artº 5-Specificity Factor.pdf
- Artº 6-Specificity Factor.pdf
- Artº-3-Rubisco.pdf
- Artº-4-Rubisco activase.pdf
- Ciclo de Calvin.pdf
- Ciclo H-S-K.pdf
- Fotorespiration C4.pdf
- Fotorrespiração.pdf
- Plantas C3, C4 e CAM.pdf
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- RuBisCO _ Artº JEB 2008.pdf
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- RuBisCO _ Artº Nature 2020.pdf
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- Artº Annu Rev Plant Biol_2002.pdf
- Artº Plant Physiology and Biochemistry_2008.pdf
- Artº Plant Physiology_2001.pdf
- Artº Plant, Cell and Environment_2005.pdf
- Artº FEBS Lett_2019_recombinant expression of plant Rubisco.pdf
- Artº PLoS ONE 2016.pdf
- RuBisCO from Synechococcus species in E. coli.pdf