
Vegetation data preparation and analysis

12 Novembro 2024, 08:15 Patricia Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez

Final project: general purpose and guidelines

Case study: synthesis of available information

Data preparation

Examples of data analyses with vegetation data

Taxonomic and functional approaches

Functional trait databases

Complementary sources of information

Plants identification, preparation and handling vegetation databases

11 Novembro 2024, 14:00 Patricia Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez

Importance of plants and herbariums
Ex-situ vegetation conservation and role of herbariums,
Plants databases and sources for identification
• Identification of plants collected during Field Work sampling carried out by students
groups for Final project
• Review filling field forms
• Conclude field forms and returning corrected to professor

Field Trip (29Oct)

5 Novembro 2024, 08:15 Patricia Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez

Substituted by Field trip 29 October (8:00–18:00)

·         Visit to Natural habitats: wetland forest 91E0

·         Presentation of Environmental Program for Mata da Machada by the Municipality

·         Guided visit to Vegetation Management and Restoration Sites by representatives of Municipality of Barreiro (Prescribed fire, Biological control, Plantation).

·         Field Sampling of vegetation in two riparian sites subject to different management actions, including: floristic inventory, vertical structure, indicators on invasive species management response, recruitment sampling, geomorphic characterization, description of restoration effects, plant samples collection for further identification

Press collected plants, collect material, and plants to press by different student groups. Each student group puts their labelled plants to dry and press and further identify.

Field trip (29Oct)

4 Novembro 2024, 14:00 Patricia Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez

Substituted by Field trip 29 October (8:00–18:00)

·         Visit to Natural habitats: wetland forest 91E0

·         Presentation of Environmental Program for Mata da Machada by the Municipality

·         Guided visit to Vegetation Management and Restoration Sites by representatives of Municipality of Barreiro (Prescribed fire, Biological control, Plantation).

·         Field Sampling of vegetation in two riparian sites subject to different management actions, including: floristic inventory, vertical structure, indicators on invasive species management response, recruitment sampling, geomorphic characterization, description of restoration effects, plant samples collection for further identification

Press collected plants, collect material, and plants to press by different student groups. Each student group puts their labelled plants to dry and press and further identify.

Methods of Vegetation sampling and preparation of Field trip

22 Outubro 2024, 08:15 Patricia Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez

• Ecological variability and Vegetation patterns
• Field collection of vegetation data
2. THE CASE STUDY SITE: Ribeira de Vale do Zebro (Vale do Zebro River Basin)
• Study area description / maps and habitats present
• Field sampling strategy (plots distribution etc)
• Field sheets
• List and pics of common species
• Field Logistics