
Poster Presentations and Discussion of final project

18 Dezembro 2020, 16:00 Patricia Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez

Poster Presentations and Discussion of final project

Module 3: Agro-forestry systems.

15 Dezembro 2020, 08:15 Joana Amaral Paulo

Silvopastoral systems - Montado: a case study.


11 Dezembro 2020, 16:00 Filipe Costa e Silva

                Phytoremediation: Advantages and limitations

                Phytoremediation processes

                Phytoremediation technologies/strategies

                Phytoremediating plants: desired traits and hyperaccumulation

                Quantification of phytoextraction efficiency

                Contaminants bioavailability in the soil

                Tolerance, uptake and translocation mechanisms

Module 3: Agro-forestry systems.

4 Dezembro 2020, 16:00 Joana Amaral Paulo

Installation of Agroforestry systems:

Module 3: Agro-forestry systems

27 Novembro 2020, 16:00 Joana Amaral Paulo

Apresentação Rewilding:

Linear structures - Windbreak or shelterbelt.
Food forests.