Exercises are available from the DMS GitHub Repository.

Exercise 1 - OpenRefine - Create tables with territorial units - NUTS (Class 02)
Exercise 2 - OpenRefine - Data wrangling - Agricultural Census data (Class 02)
Exercise 3 - Install and configure MariaDB (Class 06)
Exercise 4 - Create, backup and restore a database (Class 07)
Exercise 5 - Get familiarized with the DBeaver interface (Class 08)
Exercise 6 - Create tables in the database (Class 09)
Exercise 7 - SELECT statement (Class 07)
Exercise 8 - INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements (Class 08)
Exercise 9 - ALTER, TRUNCATE and DROP statements (Class 09)
Exercise 10 - GROUP BY and aggregate functions COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN() and MAX() (Class 10)
Exercise 11 - Normalization of the dms_INE database
Exercise 12 - Working with multiple tables - JOIN
Exercise 13 - Access to the database from Jupyter Notebook