

  • Decision support systems in natural resource management. In: F. Burstein and C. Holsapple (Ed.) Handbook on Decision Support Systems. Springer, International Handbooks on Information Systems Series. Handbook on Decision Support System 2: 499-534.: Reynolds, K.M., M. Twery, M. J. Lexer, H. Vacik, D. Ray, G. Shao and J. G. Borges. 2008 null
  • Information and communication technology in forest management and conservation. Pages 150-171 in L. Hetemaki and S. Nilsson, Eds. Information Technology and the Forest Sector. IUFRO World Series Volume 18. Vienna, Austria: International Union of Forest Research Organizations. 235 pp.: Reynolds, K.M., J.G. Borges, H. Vacik and M.J. Lexer. 2005 null
  • Addressing collaborative planning methods and tools in forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 248: 107-118.: Martins, H. and J. G. Borges. 2007 null
  • Forest management to sustain ecological, economic and social values. Ed. 4. McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New York: Davis, L.S., K.N. Johnson, P. Bettinger and T. Howard 2001 null
  • A Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda – MFRA 2010-2020. European Forest Institute Mediterranean Regional Office – EFIMED and Forest Based Sector Technology Platform, Barcelona, 31 p: Palahi, M., Y. Birot, J. G. Borges, F. Bravo, D. Pettenella, M. Sabir, H. Daly, Z. Shater, E. Baskent, V. Kazana, A. C. Mendes, F. Moreira, G. Scarascia-Mugnozza and A. K. von Lengefeld 2009 null
  • The management of industrial forest plantations. Theoretical foundations and applications. Springer, Managing Forest Ecosystems Vol 33, 543 p.: Borges, J. G., L. Diaz-Balteiro, M. E. McDill and L. C. E. Rodriguez (Eds) 2014 null
  • Forest management and Planning. Ed. 1. Academic Press, Burlington.: Bettinger, P., K. Boston, J. Siry and D. Grebner 2009 null
  • Making forestry decisions with multiple criteria: a review and an assessment. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 3222-3241: Diaz-Balteiro, L. and C. Romero. 2008 null
  • Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide. Dept of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Umeå. Sweden: Borges, J.G., Nordström E.M.,Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Hujala T. and Trasobares, A. (Eds.) 2014 null


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