Schedule for Monday (13th of December) and Wednesday (15th of December) classes
11 Dezembro 2021, 17:13 • Miguel Nuno do Sacramento Monteiro Bugalho
Dear Students,
We will do the student oral presentations on Monday 13th of December and on Wednesday 15th of December.
Students will have 15 minutes (including time for questions) for their presentations. Students should e-mail me the PowerPoint (or other program used) file supporting their presentation not later than the presentation day.
Presentations will follow the same order as the order of the topics presented during the classes.
The first eight presentations will be on Monday and the remaining seven presentations will be on Wednesday. Below is the schedule for the next two classes.
We should aim for a lively and participative debate.
See you on Monday!
Wildlife Management 2021
Student oral presentations
Monday 13th of December
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
1. Marnix Rutten: Mace GM et al. (2012). Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a multilayered relationship. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27: 19-26.
2. Leonardo Simas: Isbell F et al. (2011). High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services. Nature 477:199-U196
Other conservation tools: certification
3. Mariana Dias: Edwards DP & Laurance SG (2012). Green labeling, sustainability and the expansion of tropical agriculture: critical issues for certification schemes. Biological Conservation 151: 60–64
4. Anna Rietz: Edwards DP et al. (2012). High conservation value or high confusion value? Sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation in the tropics. Conservation Letters 5:20–27
5. José Angelino:
Dias FS et al. (2016).
Conservation zones promote oak regeneration and shrub diversity in certified
Mediterranean oak woodlands. Biological
Conservation 195:226-234
Human-shaped ecosystems
6. Ana Garcia: Kremen C & Merenlender AM (2018) Landscapes that work for biodiversity and people. Science 362 (6412): eaau6020
7. Tiago Silva: Kareiva P et al. (2007) Domesticated Nature: Shaping Landscapes and Ecosystems for Human Welfare. Science 316: 1866-1869
8. Jorge Nunes: Bugalho MN, Caldeira MC et al. (2011). Mediterranean oak savannas require human use to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 278-286
Wednesday 15th of December
Wildlife ecology: Effects on ecosystems
9. Afonso Martins: Lecomte X et al. (2016). Too many are too bad: Long-term net negative effects of high-density ungulate populations on a dominant Mediterranean shrub. PLOS ONE 11: e0158139
10. José Gouveia: Côté SD et al. (2004) Ecological impacts of deer overabundance. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 35: 113-147
11. Ricardo Nogueira: Ripple WJ & Beschta RL (2012). Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15 years after wolf reintroduction. Biological Conservation 145: 205-213
Wildlife ecology: Diet composition
12. Ombretta Balbi: Andreoli et al. (2016). Feeding ecology of alpine chamois living in sympatry with other ruminant species. Wildlife Biology 22: 78-85
13. Manuel Inácio: Bugalho MN, Milne JA (2003). The composition of the diet of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a Mediterranean environment: a case of nutritional constraint? Forest Ecology and Management 181: 23-29
Wildlife ecology and management
14. João Valente: Lormée et al. (2020) Assessing the sustainability of harvest of the European Turtle-dove along the European western fly-way. Bird Conservation International 30: 506-521
15. Andrian Ursu: Taylor & Goldingay (2010) Roads and wildlife: impacts, mitigation and implications for wildlife management in Australia. Wildlife Research 37: 320–331