Class 09 - 20 march 2023
Tree Structure and development. The CODIT concept.
Field Class @Tapada da Ajuda Campus

Class 10 - 21 march 2023
Tree Pruning. Pruning cuts and implications.
- 09_IEAU_2023_Aula_20march2023_TreeStructure.pdf
- 09_IEAU_2023_Aula_20march2023_TreeStructure_CODIT.pdf
- 09_IEAU_2023_Aula_20march2023_TreeStructure_conclusion.pdf
- Coder 2017_Secondary Tree Growth Increments Ring Development and Forms.pdf
- 10_IEAU_2023_Aula_21march2023_Pruning.pdf
- 11_Harris et al 2004_Capitulo 14 Pruning.pdf
- Natural Target Pruning - a rule of thumb.pdf
- A Guide to Successful Pruning Shrubs.pdf
- WhyToppingHurts.pdf