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Informations on continuous and final evaluations

8 Junho 2020, 17:04 Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira

1) Continuous evaluation

Two homework assignments. The final score of the evaluation is the average of the two homework scores. A Student successfully completes the Unit whenever he obtains at least a score of 10.

2) Final examinations

Any Student can attend final examinations. The score of the continuous evaluation is no longer valid whenever a Student attends the first final examination.

Dates of the exams: 16th June (14:00)

                                     2nd July (11:00)

Registration: If a Student wishes to take a final examination, then he must register in Fenix (Evaluation Section) until 12h before the attendance of the evaluation. Only registered Students will be allowed to take the exam.
Link to Exam_16_06 registration (5th entry)
Link to Exam_02_07 registration

Final examinations will be performed online.
Attendance: Students should access the Zoom/Colibri session to be made available by the teacher. Before the time limit, the Students should upload their answers to Fenix (section Evaluations)
Final examinations will follow the "Rules for remote final evaluations" approved by the ISA's Pedagogical Council (https://fenix.isa.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/281547991161517/VigilanciaAvaliacoes_Vf.pdf).
During the exam surveillance will be done via the video camera and audio system of the computer (or other device such as mobile phone, tablet, etc.). Students should ensure that during the entire exam period they have the technical conditions that allow this video surveillance. If a Student cannot guarantee this surveillance then he should contact the Coordinator of the Unit before the date of the examination to set an alternative date for an oral test with camera video and audio system.

A Student successfully completes the Unit whenever he obtains at least a score of 10.

3) A Student may improve the final score by attending the second final examination (see the rules above), after registration in Divisão Académica.

Friday class, 17 April 2020

16 Abril 2020, 20:54

Wednesday's class, 15_04

14 Abril 2020, 15:07

Course Evaluation

12 Abril 2020, 10:50

Classes on the 3rd and 15th April

2 Abril 2020, 11:36

Corpo Docente

Marta Guerreiro Duarte Mesquita de Oliveira



Isabel Maria de Jesus Martins

José Guilherme Martins Dias Calvão Borges

Susana Miguel Barreiro