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Funcionamento da disciplina 2021/2022
3 Fevereiro 2022, 11:17 • Elsa Maria Félix Gonçalves
A Informação sobre a disciplina encontra-se em "Página Detalhada".
(13 Jun 22) Change of plans: due to health reasons, the supplementary class of Wednesday June 15, will be only on Zoom. The class will start at 14h30, with the PCA/LDA part, using the Zoom link https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/511359620. When this discussion is over, Prof. Pedro will begin the Clustering discussion, using the link he used for classes.
(9 Jun 22) The Multivariate Statistics test will be on Friday June 17, at 14h30, in Room 39. The supplementary class will be on the previous Wednesday, June 15, again at 14h30, also in Room 39. The zoom links for the extra class will be those of your two teachers (Profs. Pedro and Jorge).
(2 Jun 22) A supplementary class on Generalised and Mixed Linear Models will be held on Friday, June 3rd, between 10h and 13h, in room S1.
The class will begin with GLMs and the Zoom link https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/511359620 . The second part of the class will focus on MLMs and the Zoom link will be https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88162577242.
Módulo III / Module III - Introduction to Multivariate Statistics
(26 May 22) The link for the initial Module III zoom sessions is: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/511359620
Modulo II/Module II - Linear Mixed Models
The link for the zoom sessions is: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88162577242
Modulo II / Module II
(26 Apr 22) The Linear Model test will be on Friday, May 6, in room S3, from 14h30 to 17h.
(PT) As aulas do Módulo II começam na 2ª-feira dia 21 de Março, às 9h45 na Sala S1 (como até aqui).
(EN) Module II classes begin on Monday, March 21, at 9h45 in classroom S1 (as before).
The link for the initial Module II zoom sessions is: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/511359620
(PT) Seguindo os apontadores para 'Materiais de Apoio'; depois 'Módulo II' e 'Modelo Linear' (aqui), encontram-se slides das aulas Teóricas, Exercícios (e respectivas resoluções), conjuntos de dados e Scripts para as aulas iniciais do Módulo II.
(EN) Following the links to 'Materiais de Apoio', 'Módulo II', 'Modelo Linear' (here), you will find the slides that will be shown in the initial classes, as well as Exercises (in English) and solutions (in Portuguese only). Also available are datasets and Scripts used in class or for Exercises.
Module I -- the link for the zoom session is
-- extra class to clarify doubts -- March 18th, Friday, from 9:30 am to 12:15 pm (room PF1.8)
the link for the zoom session is https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/328694758
--test -- March 22, from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm (room S1)
Caros alunos,
O módulo I tem como objectivo fazer uma breve revisão de conceitos e resultados fundamentais apresentados em disciplinas de Estatística de licenciatura, assim como abordar alguns que, possam não ter sido leccionados e são necessários para os módulos seguintes desta disciplina. Neste módulo faz-se ainda a introdução aos aspectos fundamentais de utilização do software R.
Sendo assim, todos os alunos que pretendam ir desde já
relembrando bases da Estatística, podem consultar a página web da disciplina de
licenciatura do 2º ano do ISA, em
Aqui encontram folhas de apontamentos, exercícios e ainda vídeos que ajudam à iniciação do R.Todo o material está em português, mas nas primeiras aulas do módulo I podemos esclarecer algumas dúvidas que vos surjam. Como material de apoio ao módulo I, encontram os slides para a aula 1, em Português e em Inglês. Colocarei ainda scripts do R e um conjunto de exercícios
Dear students,
Module I aims to make a brief review of fundamental concepts and results presented in undergraduate courses in Statistics, as well as to address some that may not have been taught and are necessary for the following modules of this course. This module also introduces the fundamentals of using R software.
Thus, all students who want to start reviewing the fundamentals of Statistics can consult the ISA 2nd year website at
There you can find notes, exercises and even videos that help you get started with R. All material is in Portuguese, but in the first classes of module I we can clarify some doubts you may have. As support material for module I, you will find the slides for class 1, in Portuguese and in English, I will also put R scripts and a set of exercises
Corpo Docente