Aula 2 (Módulo II)

15 Março 2023, 09:00 Elsa Maria Félix Gonçalves

Nonlinear relations that can be linearized with suitable transformations of one or both variables (examples: the exponential relation, the (2-parameter) logistic relation, the power law, hyperbolic-type relations, the Michaelis-Menten curve).

Multiple Linear Regression in a descriptive context. The Least Squares criterion in a multiple regression context. The impossibility of visualization for more than two predictors. The vectors of n observations, the vector of n ones and the vector y-hat of the n fitted values of y, which is a linear combination of the vectors of predictors and the vector of n ones. The model matrix X. Linear combinations of the columns of matrix X. The Linear Model in an inferential context: introduction, additional assumptions, the model in a multiple linear regression context. The matrix/vector notation for the Model: the Model equation and the random vector of estimators of the model parameters (beta-hat).

Nota: Esta aula foi leccionada na segunda-feira, dia 27/03/2023, das 8h30h às 11h.