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Install Rtools

10 Outubro 2021, 19:48 Margarida Tomé

For those students that installed R on their laptops and got the message asking for the instalation of Rtools, must install it following the instructions:

1. Download the installer from CRAN:
  • On Windows 64-bit: rtools40v2-x86_64.exe (i386 and x64 compilers)
  • On Windows 32-bit: rtools40-i686.exe (i386 compilers only)
           (please check you are using a recent version of Rstudio, at least 1.2.5042)

2. After installation is complete, you need to put the location of the Rtools make utilities on the PATH. The easiest way to do so is create a text file .Renviron in your Documents folder which contains the following line: –PATH="${RTOOLS40_HOME}\usr\bin;${PATH}“

3. Now rtart R and it must work

 (more in: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/)

Install R in your computers

3 Outubro 2021, 11:33


29 Setembro 2021, 07:26

Corpo Docente

Maria Margarida Branco de Brito Tavares Tomé



Susana Miguel Barreiro