
Site productivity and its manipulation/maintenance

2 Outubro 2020, 08:15 Susana Miguel Barreiro

  - Site productivity and its manipulation/maintenance
  - Practical examples for eucalyptus in Portuga

Allometric relationships and growth functions

30 Setembro 2020, 08:00 Susana Miguel Barreiro

  - Allometric relationships 
  - Empirical and theoretical growth functions 
  - Theoretical growth functions: Lundqvist-Korf,Richards and Hossfeld IV type functions 
  - Fitting a Lundqvist-Korf type function using SOLVER (exercise)

Data for growth studies (cont.)

25 Setembro 2020, 08:15 Susana Miguel Barreiro

  - Total stem analysis data 
  - The Carmean correction method 
  - Total stem analysis for height growth studies exercise

Data for growth studies

23 Setembro 2020, 08:00 Susana Miguel Barreiro

  - Permanent and interval plots, temporary plots and continuous forest inventory plots
  - Partial stem analysis - standtable projection method
  - Standtable projection method exercises

Overview of forest models and simulators as a support to sustainable forest management in a global context (continuation)

18 Setembro 2020, 08:15 Margarida Tomé

Overview of forest models and simulators as a support to sustainable forest management in a global context (continuation):
   - Evolution of forest growth models and respective typology
   - Current forest models and sustainable forest management models
   - The FORMODELS data base
   - The FCTOOLS site and the sIMfLOR platform
   - Forest simulators at different spatial scales: stand, landscape and regional simulators