Homeworks and course grading

18 Novembro 2020, 12:35 Margarida Tomé

Good morning

Susana told me that the course evaluation is not clear for you. All the details are given in Fénix under the section "Information about the course" in the topic "Teaching methods and course grading"

The evaluation is based on 6 home works (out of a total of 8), that might be complemented with the orals during the last class, that are mandatory for all the students.

The homeworks are the following:

HW1 – Chapter 1 – Introduction to forest models and simulators (mandatory)

HW2 – Chapter 2 – Data for construction and validation of forest models

HW3 – Chapter 3 – Allometric relationships and growth functions – and Chapter 4 – Site productivity (mandatory)

HW4 – Chapter 5 & 6 – FCTOOLS, sIMfLOR and the standsSIM simulator (5) and stand models (6)

HW5 – Chapter 7 – Individual tree models: PINASTER and PINEA models

HW6 – Chapter 7 – Individual tree models: SUBER model

HW7 – Chapter 8 – Management oriented process-based models: the 3PG model (mandatory)

HW8 – Chapter 11 – Statistics applied to the development of forest models

The students already have the instructions for homeworks 1 to 4 and the instructions for homeworks 5 to 8 will be provided by the weekend. The students can deliver them till December 6 at mid-night.

The instructions for the last homework will be provided on December 4th and must be delivered by December 16 at mid-night.

Best regards,