
Communicating in the Grape and wine sector

7 Novembro 2022, 10:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Seminar on “Communicating in the Grape and wine sector” presented by an invited speaker (M. Dentinho)

3. Rules and regulations for the organization, writing and presentation of the master's dissertation

31 Outubro 2022, 10:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

-General structure of the Dissertations;

-Example for a Scientific dissertation

- Title, introduction and definition of the dissertation aim and objectives;

-Abstract & keywords;

- Literature Review (State of the art): bibliographic sources and computer tools to search, manage and create the list of references; rules for bibliographic citation and for producing the list of references. Main Tools to search and organize literature.

- Material and Methods

-Results: Data organization, analysis and presentation: examples using excel and specific statistical software. Data presentation: Tables and plots.

- Discussion: how to interpret and explain the main results and discuss them in relation to previous literature.

- Conclusions and future prospects

2. Master Thesis Subjects 2022-2023 (cont.)

24 Outubro 2022, 10:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Master Thesis Subjects 2022-2023 – Detailed description of each of the available dissertation topics in Viticulture and Enology (cont.) - invited colleagues from Enology and Viticulture

- Description of the steps needed for the selection of the thesis topics

2. Master Thesis Subjects 2022-2023

17 Outubro 2022, 10:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Presentation of the LEAF research center and the thematic line Grapevine & Wine. Main projects in Viticulture & Enology running on LEAF. (M. Costa).

Master Thesis Subjects 2022-2023 – Detailed description of each of the available dissertation topics in Viticulture and Enology (invited colleagues from Enology and Viticulture)

1. Presentation

10 Outubro 2022, 10:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

- Objectives, Program, Calendar and Assessment

- The three possible types of Master Dissertation

- Contents of the Seminar report

- Timeline and assessement.

- Master Thesis Subjects 2022-2023: Overview of current available dissertation topics in Viticulture and Enology

- Urgency for choosing the type of dissertation and thesis subject and supervisors.

- Legislation and rules regarding Dissertation (Academic Division).