
Class #05

12 Março 2019, 08:15 Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes

  • The QGIS interface - basic tools
  • Map legends (categorical and numerical) and map labels
  • Non-spatial operations: Select By Attribute and Join of 2 tables (associations 1:n and 1:1)
  • Spatial operations: Clip, Buffer, Intersection and Dissolve by attribute(s)
  • Lab exercise:Ex1CLC - LearningByExample1.pdf

Class #04

27 Fevereiro 2019, 14:30 Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes

Conclusion of the previous class exercises.

Class #03

26 Fevereiro 2019, 08:15 Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes

Exercise to introduce the QGIS interface (for students without GIS background).

Excercise to get familiar with some oficial geographic data providers (DGT and INE) - normalizing data tables (for students with GIS background).

Class #02

20 Fevereiro 2019, 14:30 Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes

Relational databases in GIS

The standard SQL language.

The SELECT statement: selection by attributes and selection by location.

Relational databases design - exercises.

Class #01

19 Fevereiro 2019, 08:15 Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes

Introduction to the GIS subject

Main topics. Some applications of GIS.

Relational databases in GIS

Relational databases - basic concepts and definitions. 

The third normal form in relational databases and normalisation advantages.

Documentation: 01 Topics.pdf, 02 Relational Databases in GIS.pdf