2nd exam
7 Junho 2021, 11:36 • Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes
8 June 2021 - 15h - room PF 2.12 (Forest building)
Final Marks (after 1st exam date)
4 Junho 2021, 01:30 • Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes
See finalMarks.pdf under Detailed Page (last line).
Exam - 24 May 2021 - 15h
24 Maio 2021, 11:51 • Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes
The exam will be in classroom PF2.12 (1st floor just above the usual GIS classroom) from 15h to 17h30m.
Monday class (19 April)
19 Abril 2021, 01:47 • Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes
Room PF1.8 (Forest building)
The first GIS class will be next Monday (February 8 at 11h) via Zoom
5 Fevereiro 2021, 17:26 • Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes
I will send a mail (today) to every enrolled student (using both e-mail addresses recorded on the platform FENIX) with the link to the Zoom session.
Those students not receiving that e-mail but willing to attend the class need to send me an e-mail ( in order that I also send them the link.
Looking forward to meet you next Monday
Graça Abrantes