Class #07 - Diagrammatic representation of spatial analysis
13 Março 2025, 14:00 • Gonçalo Filipe Fernandes Duarte
1, Diagrammatic representation of spatial operations
2. Continuation of hands-on exercise 05: Zoning
Class #06 - Vector geoprocessing
10 Março 2025, 11:30 • Gonçalo Filipe Fernandes Duarte
1. Spatial operations: buffer, dissolve, minimum bounding geometry, multipart to singlepart
2. Layers overlay operations: intersect, union, clip, erase, symetrical difference
3. Hands-on Exercise 05: Zoning
Class #05 - Structured Query Language
6 Março 2025, 14:00 • Gonçalo Filipe Fernandes Duarte
1. Structured Query Language
2. Hands-on Exercise 04 - Data organization and queries
Class #04 - Organizing data in GIS
27 Fevereiro 2025, 14:00 • Gonçalo Filipe Fernandes Duarte
1. Organizing data in GIS
2. Relational Database Principles
3. Relations, Keys, Relationships
4. Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)
5. Entity-relation diagram and database text notation representation
Class #03 - Hands-on: Exercises 2 and 3
24 Fevereiro 2025, 11:30 • Gonçalo Filipe Fernandes Duarte
Hands-on exercises
Exercises 02 - Explore your first GIS project
Exercise 03 - Perform your first analysis