Apresentação e discussão de trabalhos-síntese (Tema #1: Indicadores e Quantificação de Segurança Alimentar)

15 Outubro 2019, 14:30 Luís Filipe Sanches Goulão

Apresentações e discussão alargada de trabalhos de grupo realizados pelos estudantes nos tópicos: “The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale and an Index-Member Dietary Diversity Score contribute valid and complementary information on household food insecurity in an urban west-African setting”, “Prevalence of prenatal zinc deficiency and its association with socio-demographic, dietary and health care related factors in Rural Sidama, Southern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study”, “Proxy measures of household food consumption for food security assessment and surveillance: comparison of the household dietary diversity and food consumption scores”, “Validation of the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale in rural Tanzania”.