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Routledge Handbook of Food and Nutrition Security, 524pp: Pritchard B, Ortiz R & Shekar M (eds.)2016
Bibliografia recente selecionada - artigos científicos e relatórios de organizações internacionais.: ndnd
Materiais didáticos preparados pelo docente.: ndnd
Agricultural trade, trade policies and the global food system. In: World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030. Routledge, 444pp: Bruinsma J (ed.)2003
Developing sustainable food value chains, 75pp: FAO2014
Sowing the seeds of peace for food security - disentangling the nexus between conflict, food security and peace. FAO, 95pp: Holleman C, Jackson J, Sánchez MV & Vos R2017
Food systems and diets: facing the challenges of the 21st century, 133pp: IFPRI2016