In the 1st edition of this course, in May/June 2021, the following topics were addressed. On-line sessions were recorded and made available for students. Material for the course were also made available on the webpage. Students keep access to the materials after the course.

  1. Presentation, May 28, 2021
  2. Session May 31, 2021. OSGeo4W installation; QGIS 3; Access to Google satellite imagery with XYZ tile protocol in QGIS; a first spatial analysis problem with QGIS (buffers, clip, difference, merge); QGIS/Processing/History; Python Console; Python objects numeric constant, string, list, dictionary; load package with import; Python editor and options; First script (just copy commands in Processing/History to Python editor); Adapt script so buffer distance is a variable; Adapt script to store folder path and file names in variables; Package os and method os.path.join to define paths.
  3. Session June 2, 2021. Install new packages in PyQGIS; continuation of previous exercise ( and ; Use variables to store folder names and file names; list and remove  project layers with python; obtain information (name, CRS, geometry type) about layers; for cycles in python.
  4. Session 3, June 7, 2021. Introductory exercises and tutorial for Python (dictionary, list, ...). Install package with OSGeo4W shell. Legends for vector layers: Single symbol, categorized symbol and graduated symbols. Change size, color, transparency,etc (scripts "" and "")
  5. Session 4, June 9 2021. Simplify script to create vector layer legend. Create dictionary to hold symbology elements; create list with categories with a for cycle to read the dictionary; put all together by defining a function.
  6. Session 5, June 14, 2021. SRTM/DEM data for Portugal (raster). Load raster; determine raster metadata; define pseudocolor symbology. The first code builds each color ramp item separately; the improved code defines a function and uses a for cycle to build a list of color ramp items.
  7. Session 6, June 16, 2021. part 1; part 2. RGB symbology for multiband images. Convert raster layer values to numpy array. Plots with matplotlib. Identify nodatavalue.
  8. Session 7, June 21, 2021. Create new raster from  numpy array values, CRS, width and height, and geo-transform parameters. np.nan no data value. Example with KMeans function from package sklearn to determine clusters from Landsat 8 multi band image. Load vector layer with WFS protocol. Qt message boxes.
  9. Session 8, June 23, 2021. Read vector layer from uri with WFS protocol; save a local copy; test if features are valid; delete features from layer; create new feature (using well known text format wkt) and add it to the layer; determine id of largest feature; methods for features and geometries: area(), isGeosValid(), type(). Review QMessageBox.
  10. Session 9: part 1, part 2 and part 3. Read csv tables and perform joins by attributes; Compare selection by attributes with'extractbyexpression',...) with for cycle along features and method 'deleteFeatures'. Access data in rows and columns of attribute table, e.g. determine the column where a given string appears most frequently. Access and edit atribute names. Brief use of "regular expressions" and re package. Solving a relatively complex problem with a step by step python script in QGIS (exercise Cascais).
  11. Session 10. Problem about predicting risk in case of large fire in Serra do Caldeirão, Algarve. Download relevant data; read tables with adicional data to join to georeferenced data, create a NBR image from Landsat imagery, reproject raster data; create legend for vector polygon data; check geometry validity; reduce data size using an efficient rule to remove features (using features bounding box); Qt message boxes to convene information to the user; QGIS tools native:extractbyexpression, native:clip,qgis:rastercalculator,  native:joinattributestable, gdal:warpreproject, native:zonalstatisticsfb, native:fieldcalculator