Breve Introdução
Duration: 6 months (1 semester), to be held twice a year.
Credits: 6 (ECTS)
Coordinator: Prof. José Calvão Borges
Other teachers: All members of Forest Research Centre (CEF)
International professors/researchers visiting CEF/ISA are also expected to participate
1. This course operates under the assumption that most of each participant’s learning occurs outside the classroom, in research, experimental and field environments. The emphasis is on the project in which the student, practitioner or researcher is either involved in or expected to take a lead role in defining according to previous competences, and ultimately submit them as a paper.
2. The course is structured under general ISA’s guidelines for a 6 credits (ECTS) course corresponding to about 160 hours per semester.
3. At the beginning of the course, each student will receive a list of research proposal subjects, prepared previously according to students’ profiles, and choose one, that he/she will develop during the course with the respective instructor.
4. Besides each student’s project pathway, there will be conferences from different researchers to further support the development of the course, and twice a month interactive discussions involving students and the instructors. Topics for discussion will be tailored to help address the specific interests of the students registered. Students are encouraged to actively participate in such classes, and share her/his progress. Interacting with other students can help substantially as some concepts will be new to those without a strong background in forest and agroforestry ecosystems.
5. Students will be encouraged to help each other. Often a good way to learn something well is to teach it to someone else. Specific questions will be dealt with the instructor.
Online applications:
Documents to submit with the application:
- Identity document (copy)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Certificate of qualifications
- Letter of motivation (optional)
- Recommendation letters (optional)
For more information:
Centro de Estudos Florestais/Isabel
Baptista - Tel. 21 365 3130 / e-mail:
For matters concerning the applications
Divisão Académica ISA - 21 365 3116 / e-mail:
In-depth understanding of the sustainable use of natural and managed ecosystems, in particular forests. To explore forestry methods and tools that are of interest to the student and that can be applied to the student’s area of interest or expertise. To acquire competences for conducting and communicating research. To better understand how information from the student’s area of expertise can be utilized in forest and agroforest management.
Students, practitioners and researchers, having a graduation or post-graduation.
Regime de Funcionamento
- Taught in English -
Course typology: Initial and twice a month group discussion (15 hours of contact lead by the course coordinator), project development (100 hours of project, with the supervision of the instructor and involving 15 hours of contact) and study hours (30 hours), amounting to 160 hours.
Assessment: the evaluation will be based on a presentation of the work developed (non-doc) or the project achievements (post-doc), to all the instructors (or at least three, including the course coordinator), resulting on the grade. Added value will be given if there is a paper submission, particularly in the case of post-doc students.
Bibliography: Tailored to each student.
- Free for researchers working on ISA projects -
(provided they may present a declaration
from the project coordinator at ISA, confirming they will
be conducting research in its framework)
Other participantes: 500€
José Guilherme Martins Dias Calvão Borges