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Biodiversidade e Conservação (2 º Sem 2015/2016)




  • A Primer of Conservation Genetics. Cambridge. University Press: 219pg , Frankham, R., Ballou, J:D. Briscoe, D.A., 2004,
  • Biodiversity, An Introduction. Blackwell Science. London , Gaston, KJ and JI Spices., 2004,


  • An introduction to forest genetics, 2ª ed.Genetic Center, Dept. Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, SLU, Uppsala Sweden - ISBN 91-576-7190-7 , Eriksson, G., Ekberg,I., Clapham D., 2006,
  • Ecology from individuals to ecossystems.Blackwell Publ. Oxford: 482 – 511; 603 - 658 , Begon, Towsend & Harper, 2006,
  • Spatial attributes and Reserve Design: A review Environmental modelling and Assessment , William, J., ReVelle, C.S., Levin, S. 2005, 2005,