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Engenharia dos Produtos Florestais I (1 º Sem 2017/2018)




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  • Forest products and wood science. 4th Ed. Iowa State Press, Ames, Yowa, , Bowyer, J., Shmulsky, R., Haygreen, J., (2003),
  • Science and technology of wood. Van Nostrand Reinhold, , Tsoumis, G., (1991),
  • Forest products and wood science. 4th Ed. Iowa State Press, Ames, Yowa, , Bowyer, J., Shmulsky, R., Haygreen, J., (2003),
  • Wood handbook. Wood as an engineering material. Gen. Tec. Rep. FPL-GTR-113, Madison, , USDA, Forest Products Laboratory., (1999),
  • Wood microbiology decay and its prevention. Academic Press, Inc.476pp (London) , Zabel, R. & J. Morrell, (1992).,
  • Wood: decay, pests and protection, ed:Chapman & Hall. London. 546pp , Eaton, R.A. & M.D.C. Hale, (1993).,
  • Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press. 487p , Rowell, R.M., (2005),