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Morfologia, Aptidão e Comportamento Animal (2 º Sem 2016/2017)




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  • The Science of Animal Husbandry. Ed. Reston – Prentice Hall, Englewood. N. Jersey – USA. , Blakely, J., Bade, D.H.,, 1990,
  • Farm Animal Behaviour and Welfare, CAB International, N.Y. , Fraser, A F., Broom, D.M., 1997,
  • Livestock Handling and Transport, CAB International, N.Y. , Grandin, T., 1997,


  • Rural Politics: Policies for agriculture, forestry and the environment, London, Routledge , Winter, Michael, 1996,
  • “La Commercialisation dés produits agricoles & alimentaires”, Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris, pg. 1 a 18 e pg. 155-164 , Lagrange, L.,, 1995,
  • O exterior do cavalo. Ed. Editorial Notícias, Lisboa. , Miranda do Vale, J., 1990,
  • Farm Animal Behaviour , Bailliére Tindall, London. Fraser, A.F., 1985,