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Métodos de Decisão Multi-Critério em Gestão Florestal e Planeamento do Uso do Território (1 º Sem 2016/2017)


Método de Avaliação

The evaluation will be based on the literature review and final exam. The literature review should be presented in class (10 minutes presentation).
The final grade will be determined as follows:
- Literature review: 40%
- Test 1: 30%
- Test 2: 30%
Or if a minimum grade = 10 is not met in Test 1 or in Test 2:
- Final exam: 60%
The evaluation schedule is as follows:
- The literature review proposal should be submitted by October 9. It should be completed at the date of its presentation in class.
The evaluation schedule is as follows:
- Test 1: 30/10
- Test 2: 17/12
- Literature Review Presentation: 18/12
- Final Exam: date to be defined.