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Modelação dos Recursos Florestais (1 º Sem 2016/2017)


Breve introdução


This course on Forest Models has three main objectives:

1.     To have the students proficient in the understanding of the different methods to develop management oriented forest models, from traditional growth and yield models to simple process-based models, including models based on different units of simulation: whole stand, diameter distribution, gaps and individual trees. At least one example of each one of the model types will be studied in depth, including several exercises with application of the models for decision support in stand level forest management problems.

2.    To initiate the students in the development of empirical growth and yield models. The development of some of the components of different models will be explored by the students using the R statistical software.

3.     To initiate the students in the calibration of process based models using the calibration of the 3PG model for Eucalyptus globulus for Portuguese plantations as an example.


Course material:

website www.forestmodels.eu

Burkhart, HE and Tomé, M, 2012. Modeling Forest Trees and Stands. Springer, XIV, 476 p.


Corpo Docente

Margarida Tomé (Responsável)