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Recursos Faunísticos (1 º Sem 2016/2017)




  • Fundamentals of soil ecology. Academic Press. San Diego, 218 p. , Coleman, D.C., Crossley Junior, D.A., 1996,
  • Ecologie des insectes forestiers. Gauthier-Villars. Paris , Dajoz R., 1980,
  • Introduction to insect biology and diversity. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press. New York. 680 p. , Daly H.V., Doyen J.T., Purcell A.H., 1998,
  • The insects. An outline of entomology. Chapman and Hall. London. 505 p. , Gullan P.J., Cranston P.S.,, 1994,


  • Entomology. Springer. Dordrecht. 848 p. , Gillott C., 2005,
  • Integrated principles of zoology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. New York. 896 p. , Hickman C.P., Roberts L.S., Larson A., I' Anson H., Eisenhour D.J., 2006,