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Artigos em revistas internacionais com "referee"

Shahidian S., Serralheiro R.P., Serrano J., Teixeira J.L. (2013). Parametric calibration of the Hargreaves–Samani equation for use at new locations. In: Hydrological Processes.27(4): 605-616. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9277

Rolim, J., Catalão, J., Teixeira, J.L., 2011. The influence of diferente methods of interpolating spatial meteorological data on calculated irrigation requirements. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27(6) pp.979-989.

Shahidian S. , Serralheiro R. , Teixeira J.L., Santos F.L., Oliveira M.R., Costa J., Toureiro C., Haie N., Machado R. 2009 Drip Irrigation using a PLC based Adaptive Irrigation System WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, Vol 2- Feb.

Rolim J, Teixeira JL, 2008. IrrigRotation, a time contínuous soil water balance model. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. Iss. 7, Vol 4, 2008.577-587.

Teixeira JL, Shakib S, Rolim J, 2008. Regional analysis and calibration for thr South of Portugal of a simple evapotranspiration model for use in an authonomous landscape irrigation controller. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. Iss. 8, Vol 4, 2008.676-686.

Calejo M. J., Lamaddalena N., Teixeira J. L., Pereira L. S., 2008. Performance analysis of pressurized irrigation systems operating on-demand using flow driven simulation models. Agric. Water Manage. 95(2) 154-162.

Calejo M.J., Teixeira J.L., Pereira L.S., 2008. Simulação da procura numa rede de rega operando a pedido: o modelo IRDEMAND. Ingenieria del Agua 14(3): 155-168

Victoria F.B., Viegas Filho J.S., Pereira L.S., Teixeira J.L., Lanna A.E., 2005. Multi-scale modeling for water resources planning and management in rural basins. Agric. Water Manage. 77: 4-20.