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Publicações (Link)

Publications ISI  and book chapters (Link)

Publications ISI 

and book chapters

(some available here)

Journal’s rankings from www.scimagojr.com  



Google Scholar user ID: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uGpjAYYAAAAJ&hl=en 

Thomson ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-1571-2012 

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1391-3437




2015 (paper)Palma JHN, Paulo JA, Faias SP, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Borges JG, Tomé M, Adaptive management and debarking schedule optimization of Quercus suber L. stands under climate change: case study in Chamusca, Portugal, REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, 15: 1569-1580. Journal in   in under Global and Planetary Change (view journal rank). 



2014 (book chapter)Orazio et al, 2014, FORRISK : Gestão integrada dos riscos nas florestas cultivadas, EFIAtlantic, 148 pp (Desenvolvimento de um mapa de risco para Gonipterus platensis em Portugal, pages 100-101)


2014 (paper)Paulo JA, Palma JHN, Gomes AA, Faias SPF, Tomé J, Tomé M, Predicting site index from climate and soil variables for cork oak (Quercus suber L.) stands in Portugal, NEW FORESTS, 46(2) 293-307. Journal in   under category Forestry (view journal rank).



2014 (paper)Firesenai S, Graves AR,Dux D, Palma JHN, Herzog F, 2014, Innovative agroecosystem goods and services: key profitability drivers in Swiss agroforestry. AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 35 (2) 759-770. Journal in   under Agronomy and Crop Science,  Environmental Engineering categories (view journal rank).



2014 (paper)Palma JHN, Paulo JA, Tomé M, 2014, Carbon sequestration of modern Quercus suber L. silvoarable agroforestry systems in Portugal: a YieldSAFE-based estimation. AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS 88 (5) 791-801. ). Journal in   under Forestry and   under Agronomy and Crop Science categories (view journal rank).



2014 (paper)Yao RT, Scarpa R, Turner JA, Barnard TD, Rose JM, Palma JHN, Harrison DR, 2014, Valuing Biodiversity Enhancement in New Zealand's Planted Forests: Socioeconomic and Spatial Determinants of Willingness-To-Pay, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 98 90-101. Journal in   under category Economics and Econometrics,   under Environmental Science (view journal rank)



2013 (paper)Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J. G., Palma, J.H.N, Zuzibarreta-Gerendiain, A. A decision support system for management planning of Eucalyptus plantations facing climate change, ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE, 71(2) 187-199. Journal in   under category Forestry and  under Ecology (view journal rank)



2013 (paper)Werner Rammer, Christian Schauflinger, Harald Vacik, João H.N. Palma, Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, José G. Borges, Manfred J. Lexer, A web-based ToolBox approach to support adaptive forest management under climate change, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, 29 (1), 96-107. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2013.851277 . Journal in   under category Forestry (view journal rank)



2013 (book chapter)Rammer W, Schauflinger C, Vacik H, Palma JHN, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Borges JG, Lexer MJ,  2013, A web-based ToolBox approach to support adaptive forest management under climate change, in Adapting to Climate Change in European Forests - Results of the MOTIVE project, Fitzgerald J, Lindner M (eds), pages 93-100. 


2013 (book chapter)Borges JG, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Guerra-Hernandez J, Marques S, Palma JHN,  2013, A decision support system for forest management planning under climate change, in Adapting to Climate Change in European Forests - Results of the MOTIVE project, Fitzgerald J, Lindner M (eds), pages 89-92 


2013 (book chapter)Tomé M, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Palma JHN, Borges JG, 2013, Portugal - Chamusca case study, in Adapting to Climate Change in European Forests - Results of the MOTIVE project, Fitzgerald J, Lindner M (eds), pages 40-43 


2013 (paper)Garcia-Gonzalo J, Palma JHN, Freire J, Tomé M, Mateus R, Rodriguez LCE, Bushenkov V, Borges JG, A decision support system for a multi stakeholder’s decision process in a Portuguese National Forest, FOREST SYSTEMS, 22(2), 359-373. Journal in   in under category Forestry,   under category Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,  in Soil Science, (view journal rank)



2012 (paper)Faias S., Palma JHN, Barreiro S., Paulo J. A., Tomé, M. Resource communication. sIMfLOR – platform for the Portuguese forest simulators. FOREST SYSTEMS 21(3): 543 – 548. Journal in   in under category Forestry,   under category Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,  in Soil Science (view journal rank)



2011 (paper)

Coelho MMD., Paulo JA, Palma JHN, Tomé M, 2011, Contribution of cork oak plantations installed after 1990 in Portugal to the Kyoto commitments and to the landowners economy, FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS 17: 59-68. Journal in   under category Forestry,  under Economics and econometrics,   under Management, monitoring, policy and law,   under Sociology and Political Science (view journal rank)



2011 (paper)

 Keesman K, Graves A, van der Werf W, Burgess P, Palma J, Dupraz C, van Keulen H, A system identification approach for developing and parameterising an agroforestry system model under constrained availability of data, ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE 26 (2011) 1540-1553. Journal in   under category Ecological Modelling,   under Environmental Engineering,   under Software  (view journal rank)


2011 (paper)A. R. Graves, P. J. Burgess, F. Liagre, J.-P. Terreaux, T. Borrel, C. Dupraz, J. Palma, F. Herzog, 2011, Farm-SAFE: the process of developing a plot- and farmscale model of arable, forestry, and silvoarable economics, AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS, 81 (2) 93-108. Journal in   under category Forestry and   in Agronomy and Crop Science (view journal rank)



2010 (paper)Graves, A.R., Burgess, P.J., Palma, J.H.N., Keesman, K., van der Werf, W., Dupraz, C., van Keulen, H., Herzog, F., Mayus, M., Moreno, G., (2010). Using the parameter-sparse Yield-SAFE model to describe and predict 4 tree-crop interactions at three contrasting sites in Europe. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING, 221 (13-14) 1744-1756. Journal in   under Ecological Modellin (view journal rank)


2007 (paper)Mayus, M., Palma, J.,Topçu, S, Kirda, C, Herzog, F., Van Keulen, H, Keesman, K., Van der Werf, W, 2007, Modelling for Water Management: First Calibration of Yield-SAFE for irrigated maize in Mediterranean regions, LECTURE NOTES IN INFORMATICS, Vol P-101, 143-146pp


2007 (paper)Palma J, Herzog F, Burgess PJ, Graves A R (2007) Integrating environmental and economic performance to assess modern silvoarable agroforestry in Europe, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 63:759-763. Journal in   under category Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (view journal rank)


2007 (paper)Palma J, Graves A R, Bunce RGH, Burgess PJ, de Filippi R, Keesman K J, van Keulen H, Liagre F Mayus M, Moreno G, Reisner Y, Herzog F (2007) Modeling environmental benefits of silvoarable agroforestry in Europe, AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 119:320-334. Journal in   under category Agronomy and Crop Science,   in Ecology,   in Animal Science and Zoology (view journal rank)


2007 (paper)Palma J, Graves A, Burgess P, Keesman K, van Keulen H, Mayus M, Reisner Y, Herzog F (2007) Methodological approach for the assessment of environmental effects of agroforestry at the landscape scale, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 29:450-462. Journal in   under category Environmental Engineering,   under Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,   under Nature and Landscape Conservation (view journal rank)



2007 (paper)Reisner Y, de Filippi R, Herzog F, Palma J (2007) Target regions for silvoarable agroforestry in Europe, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 29:401-418. Journal in   under category Environmental Engineering,   under Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,   under Nature and Landscape Conservation (view journal rank)


2007 (paper)Graves A, Burgess P, Palma J, Herzog F, Moreno G, Bertomeu M, Dupraz C, Liagre F, Keesman K,

van der Werf W, Koeffeman de Nooy A, van den Briel J, (2007) The development and application of bio-economic modeling to compare silvoarable, arable and forestry systems in three European countries, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 29:434-449. Journal in   under category Environmental Engineering,   under Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,   under Nature and Landscape Conservation (view journal rank)


2007 (paper)van der Werf W, Keesman K, Burgess P, Graves A, Pilbeam D, Incoll L, Metselaar K, Mayus M, Stappers R, van Keulen H, Palma J, Dupraz C (2007) Yield-SAFE: a parameter-sparse process-based dynamic model for predicting resource capture, growth and production in agroforestry systems, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 29:419-433. Journal in   under category Environmental Engineering,   under Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,   under Nature and Landscape Conservation (view journal rank)




2006 (Book Chapter)Palma JHN, Graves A, Burgess P, Reisner Y, Herzog F (2006) Environmental and economic performance of agroforestry along a European gradient, in: Sustainable land use in intesively used agricultural regions, Research and Integration series, Landscape Europe, Alterra


2004 (Book Chapter)Visser S. & Palma J (2004). Upscaling Wind and Water Erosion Models. Far from Reality? In Wind and Rain Interaction in Erosion - Tropical Resource Management Papers (eds S. Visser & W. Cornelis), Vol. 50, pp. 59-67. Wageningen University and Research Center, Wageningen.


2002 (paper)Serrano J, Palma J, Tinoco T, Venancio F & Martins A (2002) Evaluation of the essential oils of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) from different zones of "Alentejo" (Portugal). JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, 14(2), 87-92. Journal in   under Chemistry (view journal rank)