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Instalações Agrícolas e Condicionamento Ambiental (1 º Sem 2014/2015)




  • Environmental Control for Animal and Plants. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan, 453 p. , Albright, L.D., 1990,
  • Invernaderos de Plastico, Tennología e Manejo. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, 462p. , Castilla, N., 2005,
  • On- Farm Drying and Storage. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 560 p , Loewer, O.J., Bridges, T.C. and Bucklin, R.A, 1994,
  • Concevoir et Aménager une Station Fruitière. Centre Technique Interprofessionel des Fruits et des Legumes, Paris, 167 p , Mazollier, J. et Millet, P., 2002,


  • Greenhouses. Advanced Technology for Protected Horticulture. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, 684 p. , Hanan, J.J.,, 1998,
  • Agricultural Buildings and Structures. ASAE, St. Joseph, 636 p. , Lindley, J.A. and Whitaker, J.H., 1996,
  • Elementos para Instalações Agrícolas. A.E.A., Lisboa. , Meneses, J.F., 1993,
  • La Construction des Serres et des Abris. Centre Technique Interprofessionel des Fruits et des Legumes, Paris, 207 p , Wacquant, C., Sédilot, C., Gratraux, J. et Roux, P., 2000,