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Inovação e Empreendedorismo (2 º Sem 2014/2015)



Tipo do Turno:

27/05/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Apresentação final

Equipas apresentaram o trabalho final, através de Power Point, vídeo e cartazes

Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:03 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

20/05/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Preparação da apresentação final

Preparação da apresentação final, a realizar no dia 27 de maio

Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:02 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

13/05/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Key Resources and Costa - Q&A about past week's Discovery + Team slides preparation + Team presentations + Instructors critiques

1- Discussão sobre o trabalho da semana anterior, incluindo questionário

2 - Actualizar e apresentar o canvas, conforme o seguinte esquema:

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvas with changes highlighted in red and multi-sided markets shown in different colors - is this a multi-sided market?
  • Slides 3 –n:

- Assemble a “Metrics that Matter” slide. Include people, hardware, software, prototypes, financing, etc.

- What resources do you need to build this business? How many people? What kind?

- Diagram the finance and operations timeline (see examples in Class 8).

- When will you need these resources?

- Roll up all the costs from Partners, Resources, and Activities in a spreadsheet by time.

- Did anything change about Value Proposition or Customers/Users, Channel, Demand Creation/Partners?

  • Slide 4 - n: What did you learn about your resources, activities, and costs?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next
Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:09 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

06/05/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Key Activities - Q&A about past week's Discovery + Team slides preparation + Team presentations + Instructors critiques

1- Discussão sobre o trabalho da semana anterior, incluindo questionário

2 - Actualizar e apresentar o canvas, conforme o seguinte esquema:

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvaswith changes highlighted in red and multi-sided markets shown in different colors - is this a multi-sided market?
  • Slides 3 –n:

- Assemble a “Metrics that Matter” slide. Include people, hardware, software, prototypes, financing, etc.

- What resources do you need to build this business? How many people? What kind?

- Diagram the finance and operations timeline (see examples in Class 8).

- When will you need these resources?

- Roll up all the costs from Partners, Resources, and Activities in a spreadsheet by time.

- Did anything change about Value Proposition or Customers/Users, Channel, Demand Creation/Partners?

  • Slide 4 - n: What did you learn about your resources, activities, and costs?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next
Modificado em 06/07/2015 10:58 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 5 alunos.

29/04/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Key Partners - Q&A about past week's Discovery + Team slides preparation + Team presentations + Instructors critiques

1- Discussão sobre o trabalho da semana anterior, incluindo questionário

2 - Actualizar e apresentar o canvas, conforme o seguinte esquema:

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvas with changes highlighted in red and multi-sided markets shown in different colors - is this a multi-sided market?
  • Slide 3-n: What were your hypotheses about what partners you will need?

- Why do you need these partners and what are risks?

- Why will they partner with you? What’s in it for them? Many teams confuse being a

customer with being a partner. A true partner would identify YOU as a partner too.

- What’s the cost of the partnership?

- Diagram the partner relationships with any dollar, activity and value flows.

- What are the incentives and impediments for the partners?

  • Slide 4 - n: What did you learn about your Partners?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next
Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:09 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

22/04/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Revisão do trabalhos

  • Revisão de todo o trabalho feito até ao dia 22.
  • Discussão, com todos os alunos, sobre o que deve ser melhorado.
Modificado em 06/07/2015 10:44 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

15/04/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Revenue Streams - Q&A about past week's Discovery + Team slides preparation + Team presentations + Instructors critiques

1- Discussão sobre o trabalho da semana anterior, incluindo questionário

2 - Actualizar e apresentar o canvas, conforme o seguinte esquema:

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvas with changes highlighted in red and multi-sided markets
  • shown in different color - is this a multi-sided market?
  • Slide 3: What were your hypotheses about revenue model strategy and pricing tactics?
  • Slide 4: What experiments do you run to test your Revenue model and Pricing?
  • Slide 4: Diagram of payment flows.
  • Slide 5: What are the metrics that matter for your business model?
  • Slide 6: Updated rough three-year income statement to show you have a real business with your revenue model, channel, acquisition costs, etc.
  • Slide 7 - n: What did you learn about your Revenue model and Pricing?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next


Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:08 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 4 alunos.

08/04/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Discussion about lecture Customer Relationships - Get/Keep/Grow

1- Discussão sobre o trabalho da semana anterior, incluindo questionário

2- Falar sobre conceitos Get/Keep/Grow

3 - Actualizar e apresentar o seu canvas (sem as restantes partes das apresentações):

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvaswith changes highlighted in red and multi-sided market shown in different colors
  • Slide 3-n: What were your pass/fail metrics for each “Get” test/methodology?
  1. What is your customer acquisition cost?
  2. What is your customer lifetime value?
  3. Build demand creation budget and forecast.
  • Slide 4: What did you learn about your Customer Relationships (Get/Keep/Grow)?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next
  • Slide 5: Diagram Get/Keep/Grow and annotate it with the key metrics.

For web teams: Demo working web site and analytics up and running.

Show where your visitors are coming from (marketing campaign, search engine, etc.) and how their behavior differs:

- What were your hypotheses about your web site results?

- Show “search engine marketing” (SEM) results.

For physical products, show demo prototype, model, and/or crowdfunding campaign.

Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:07 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 4 alunos.

01/04/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas


Férias da Páscoa

Modificado em 01/07/2015 15:48 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 0 alunos.

25/03/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Discussion about lecture Channels | Workshop - Customer acquisition and activation | Discussion about lecture Customer Relationships - Get/Keep/Grow

1- Discussão sobre o trabalho da semana anterior, incluindo questionário

2- Falar um pouco sobre os conceitos Customer Acquisition and Activation, utilizando a aula do Steve Blank

3- Métricas que existem para analisar / avaliar estes conceitos

4- Parte prática: explorar um pouco os seguintes pontos:

Fazer o exercício fictício para CAC e LTV. Ver se LTV>CAC.

Fazer uma landing page

5- Actualizar e apresentar o canvas (sem as restantes partes das apresentações).

6- Falar dos próximos 15 dias de trabalho de casa.

Continuar a validar os seguintes blocos:

- value proposition

- customer sgments

- channels

- customer relationships

Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:06 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 5 alunos.

18/03/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Customer Segments - Q&A about past week's Discovery + Team slides preparation + Team presentations + Instructors critiques

Customer segments: discutir com os alunos o que eles aprenderam sobre este conceito. Discutir sobre as respostas ao 4º questionário:

As equipas trabalham nas apresentações para a aula, segundo o esquema: Presentation for Class 5: Customer segments:

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvas with changes highlighted in red (link to canvanizer)
  • Slide 3: Identify your market type
  • Slide 4: Identify Market size (TAM/SAM/Target/Year 1-3)
  • Slide 5: Identify your competitors
  • Slide 6: Value Proposition Canvas, see: http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/downloads/value_proposition_Canvas.pdf

o What are the Gains, Pain, Customer Jobs?

-How do each of the Customer Segments solve this problem or these problems today? Does your Value Proposition(s) solve it/them? How?

-Are there multiple Customer Segments? Does each have a matching Value Proposition? A matching Revenue Stream?

  • Slide 7: What’s the MVP you’ll test?
  • Slide 8: What did you learn about your customers?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next
  • Slide 9: Diagram of customer workflow.
  • Slide 10: What is the resulting customer archetype? Draw a diagram including a “Day in the Life” description.

Apresentação dos slides pelas equipas e comentários professores, alunos e mentores

Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:05 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

11/03/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Value Proposition - Q&A about past week's Discovery + Team slides preparation + Team presentations + Instructors critiques | Discussion about lecture Customer Segments

Customer discovery and value proposition: discutir com os alunos o que eles aprenderam sobre estes conceitos. Discutir sobre as respostas ao 3º questionário:

- Value proposition

As equipas trabalham nas apresentações para a aula, segundo o esquema: Presentation for Class 4: Value proposition:

  • Slide 1: Cover slide.
  • Slide 2: Business Model Canvas with changes highlighted in red (link to canvanizer)
  • Slide 3: Value Proposition Canvas, see: http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/downloads/value_proposition_Canvas.pdf

oWhat are the products/services, pain relievers, gain creators?

oWhat’s the MVP you’ll test?

  • Slide 4: What were your experiments to test Value Proposition?
  • Slide 5: What did you learn about your Value Proposition from talking to your first customers?
  1. Hypothesis: Here’s What we Thought
  2. Experiments: Here’s What we Did
  3. Results: Here’s What we Found
  4. Action: Here’s What we Are Going to Do Next
  • Slide 6: Propose experiments to test Customer Segments; what constitutes a pass/fail signal for each test?

Apresentação dos slides pelas equipas e comentários professores, alunos e mentores.

Modificado em 01/07/2015 16:22 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

04/03/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas


Discussão sobre o trabalho desenvolvido durante a última semana: discutir com os alunos o que eles aprenderam sobre os conceitos abordados. Discutir sobre as respostas ao 2º questionário.

  • Como correram as entrevistas; qual a metodologia utilizada para conduzir as entrevistas
  • Dúvidas sobre Market type e market size
  • Dúvidas sobre competitors
  • Apresentação do CANVAS dos grupos e discussão
  • Workshop sobre customer discovery practice (2h30min):

- Clarificar as diferentes fases do customer discovery (Udacity 1.5B - Frame 8)

- Apresentação do vídeo "how to conduct customer discovery interviwes"

-Seguir a metodologia para Customer Discovery:

o Module: Developing a Customer Segment ‘Point Of View’ (POV)(20min)

o Module: Developing Value Proposition Assumptions (20min)

o Module: Experiment Mapping (15min)

o Module: Reaching Potential Customers (30)

o Module: Developing your Interview Plan (20min)

o Module: Conducting Customer Interviews (40)

o Module: Mapping the Customer Archetype (20min)

o Module: Developing a Problem Recognition Matix (20min)

o Module: Create an Aggregate Customer Discovery Scorecard (20min)

Modificado em 06/07/2015 11:04 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.

25/02/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas

Business Models | Customer development | Canvas project presentation | Mentors identification

Business Models e Customer development (30m): discutir com os alunos o que eles aprenderam sobre estes conceitos. Discutir sobre as respostas ao 1º questionário. Discuss the Business Model Canvas and customer development Reading:

-Intro of the Business Model Canvas and customer development.

-Definition of hypotheses.

-Definition of minimum feature set.

-Description of experiments.

-Definition of “getting out of the building” (getting off the campus is key unless the

-product/service is for students or faculty—which they almost never are). Prohibiting

-interviews with students and faculty is the best way to get teams out into the real world, and away from the hallucinogenic world of academia; too many teams waste too much time taking this “easy way out” and get interviews that have limited to no value.

-Definition of market type (existing, re-segmented, new, or clone).

-Definition of market size.

-How do you determine whether a business model is worth doing?

Modificado em 01/07/2015 15:29 Cristina Mota Capitão e Sofia Araújo Presenças: 5 alunos.

18/02/2015 14:00 Aula Teórico-Práticas


Intro: informação de como irá funcionar a disciplina

Team formation: criação de equipas

Project idealization: criação de ideias de projecto (4Ms) (identificar já mentores)

Watch Udacity lessons 1, 1.5a, 1.5b, and 2: What We Now Know and Business Models and Customer development & Value Proposition

Modificado em 01/07/2015 16:22 Prof. Luís Manuel Bignolas Mira da Silva Presenças: 6 alunos.