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Viticultura Avançada (1 º Sem 2014/2015)



Tipo do Turno:

18/12/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

Practical reports (conc.)

Discussion and evaluation of practical reports

Modificado em 13/11/2016 00:12 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

18/12/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

Practical reports (conc.)

Discussion and evaluation of practical reports

Modificado em 13/11/2016 00:12 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

11/12/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

6- Sustainable Viticulture (conclusion)

Presentation of practical reports

- Varieties adaptation to irrigation and defoliation

- Sustainable Viticulture and berry composition

- Biodiversity conservation in vineyard landscape

- Economic and social Sustainability in Viticulture

Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:34 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 26 alunos.

11/12/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

6- Sustainable Viticulture (conc)

Presentation of practical reports

- Soil management for a sustainable viticulture

- Carbon footprint in the Vineyard

-Early defoliation as a primary canopy management technique for a sustainable Viticulture

- Organic Viticulture

- Biodynamic Viticulture

Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:33 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 26 alunos.

04/12/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

6- Sustainable Viticulture (cont)

Workshop on Sustainable Viticulture 

-Biological Viticulture: a case study - Graça Gonçalves (Quinta Monte D'Oiro) -

- Low Carbon wine – a case study (Margarida Cardoso, ISA)

- Metrics to calculate carbon footprint in wine (Bruno Caldeira, Consulai)

Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:30 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

04/12/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

6- Sustainable Viticulture

6.1. Introduction to Sustainable Viticulture

6.2. Types of Sustainable Viticulture

6.2.1. Organic Viticulture

6.2.2. Biodynamic Viticulture

6.3. Other ways to promote Sustainable Viticulture

6.3.1. Vine Balance

6.3.2. Cover cropping

6.3.3. Mulching

6.3.4. Sustainable water use

6.3.5. Others

Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:29 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

27/11/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

Study visit

Study visit to the Dão, Douro, Vinhos Verdes and Bairrada winegrowing regions


Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:06 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

27/11/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

Study visit

Study visit to the Dão, Douro, Vinhos Verdes and Bairrada winegrowing regions


Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:06 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 20 alunos.

20/11/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

5. Grapevine Biotechnology: main application in viticulture


5. Workshopp on Grapevine Biotechnology: main application in viticulture

5.5. Using Molecular Biology tools to identify grapevine varieties (JE Eiras Dias, INIAV, Dois Portos)

5.6. Different strategies of heat stress acclimation in grapevine (Luisa Carvalho, CBAA)

5.7. Functional Genomics applied to Viticulture (Sofia Pereira, CBAA)


Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:05 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

20/11/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

5. Grapevine Biotechnology: main application in viticulture

5. Workshop on Grapevine Biotechnology: main application in Viticulture

5.1. Introduction to BIOTECHNOLOGY - Main applications in Viticulture & Enology  (Sofia Pereira, CBAA)

5.2. Molecular aspects of the grafting process in Vitis: in search of molecular markers for graft compatibility. (Pedro Fevereiro, ITQB)

5.3. Gene expression in grapevine under multiple abiotic stresses (Sara Amâncio, CBAA);

5.4. Using X-ray tomography in the treatment of grapevine wood diseases? (Ricardo Ferreira, CBAA)






Modificado em 17/12/2014 12:03 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

13/11/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

Viticultura de precisão

Introdução. Objectivod. Tecnologias. Detecção remota. Aplicações. Monitores de produtividade. Cartografia de conforto vegetativo.

Modificado em 19/11/2014 12:48 Prof. Ricardo Nuno da Fonseca Garcia Pereira Braga Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

13/11/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

Viticultura de precisão

Introdução. Objectivod. Tecnologias. Detecção remota. Aplicações. Monitores de produtividade. Cartografia de conforto vegetativo.

Modificado em 19/11/2014 12:48 Prof. Ricardo Nuno da Fonseca Garcia Pereira Braga Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

06/11/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

3. Workshop on “Implications of climate change for viticulture and wine production” (Conc.)

3.6. Climate Change & Viticulture: Impacts and adaptation measures (C. Lopes, ISA)

Practical written report – state of the work done; review of student needs .


Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:19 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

06/11/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

3. Workshop on “Implications of climate change for viticulture and wine production”

3.1. Uncertainty in Agriculture (P. Aguiar, ISA)

3.2. The use of models to study climate change impacts on agriculture (P. Aguiar, ISA)

3.3. Evaluation of climate change impacts on the viticulture using new climate indices (Ricardo Egipto, ISA);

3.4.Evaluation of climate change impacts on viticulture using simulation models (Ricardo Braga, ISA);

3.5. Thermal imaging as a tool to monitor the impact of climate change on modern viticulture (Miguel Costa, ITQB)

Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:14 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

30/10/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

2. Crop Estimation and control Conc.)

2.4. Yield control by viticultural practices.

2.4. 1. pruning level;

2.4.2.  shoot thinning;

2.4.3. shoot tipping or hedging during flowering;

2.4.4. early leaf removal;

2.4.5. spraying growth regulators;

2.4.6. inflorescence thinning;

2.4.7. berry thinning;

2.4.8. cluster thinning.

Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:12 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

30/10/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

2. Crop Estimation and control

2.1. Introduction

2.2.1. Yield variability and it’s causes 

2.2.2.Advantages of Yield forecast

2.2. Yield components and the period in which they are determined. Factors affecting the yield components

2.3. Main techniques for Yield forecasting

2.3.1. Aeropalynological forecast models;

2.3.2. Estimation of yield components;

2.3.3. Agrometeorological models;

2.3.4. Remote sensing;

2.3.5. Measuring trellis tension;

2.3.6.  Image Analysis 

Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:11 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

23/10/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

1- Vineyard mechanization (Conc)

1.7. Mechanical pruning

1.7.1. Terminology

1.7.2.“supported” hand pruning Pneumatic system Hydraulic system Electric shears

1.7.3.Mechanical pre-pruning

1.7.4. non-selective mechanical pruning techniques hedging Minimal pruning

Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:07 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

23/10/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

1- Vineyard mechanization (Conc.)

1.5. Vineyard spraying equipment

1.5.1.Spraying application techniques and types of equipment

1.5.2. Main nozzles types and other complementary equipment

1.5.3. Main sprayer calibrations.

1.6. Mechanical harvest

1.6.1. Introduction

1.6.2. The grape harvest machine Operating principle Types of machines Work quality

1.6.3- Adapting the vineyard to mechanical harvest

1.6.4 - Effects of mechanical harvest Effects on the vine Oenological consequences

1.6.5. Socio-economical implications

1.6.6 - The mechanical harvest in Portugal

Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:08 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

16/10/2014 14:00 Aula Teórica

1- Vineyard mechanization

1.1. Introduction

1.1.1. The manual labor at the vineyard- main constraints

1.1.2. Main reasons to mechanize vineyard operations; potential advantages of mechanization

1.1.3. Evolution of vineyard mechanization

1.1.4- Factors influencing machinery efficiency

1.2- Mechanization of plantation

1.2.1. Land preparation;

1.2.2. Planting;

1.2.3. Trellis setup

1.3. Mechanization of fertilization and soil management

1.3.1. Soil Fertilization;

1.3.2. Soil tillage;

1.3.3. Cover crop management

1.4. Mechanization of canopy management


1.4.2. wire lifting & shoot positioning

1.4.3. shoot thinning

1.4.4. shoot trimming

1.4.5. basal leaf removal

1.4.6. cluster thinning

Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:07 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

16/10/2014 09:00 Aula Teórica

Introduction to Advanced Viticulture

Program, calendar and assessment.

Practical written report – description of the protocol, methodologies and evaluation.


Modificado em 19/11/2014 08:00 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.