Nota: para qualquer recurso, pedir acesso em Google Drive, se este não estiver imediatamente disponível.
Aula 04 - Data Science Hackathon Workshop - 2023:
- Presentation 1: Paulo Branco (ISA) - working with river networks, problems, challenges and solutions (Download slides)
- Presentation 2: João Rolim (ISA) - the experience on multidimensional data on agricultural water management (Download slides)
- Presentation 3: Miguel Costa (ISA) - the challenges on supporting decision making practices based on data in agriculture (Download slides)
Aula 05 - Data Science Examples (Google slides, pdf)
Aula 08 - Data Science tools - Overview of modelling (Google slides, pdf)
Aula 09 - Data Science tools - Supervised and Unsupervised Learning (Google slides, pdf)
Aula 10 - Invited Seminar - Grapevine Data Science – Proximal sensing - Gonçalo Victorino (pptx, pdf, video)
- Data Science tools - Semi-supervised and Reinforcement Learning (Google slides, pdf)
- Communicating results (Google slides, pdf)
- FADS_L01_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L02_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L03_presentation.pdf
- Hackathon_green_data_science_2023_PBranco.pdf
- Hackathon_EngRural_2023.pdf
- HACATHON_uso_sustentaIvel_de_agua_miguelcosta.pdf
- FADS_L05_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L06_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L07_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L08_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L09_presentation.pdf
- GrapevineDS_FADS_GoncaloVictorino.pdf
- FADS_L10_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L11_presentation.pdf
- FADS_L12_presentation.pdf