Últimos anúncios

Course Assessments

13 Janeiro 2020, 18:05 Miguel Miguel Nuno do Sacramento Monteiro Bugalho

Dear Students,

Please note that course assessments are included in Fenix a folder called "Student Assessments" as a word document.

Please let me know if you are not able to get access to it.

Best regards,
Miguel Bugalho

Wildlife Management assessment

11 Janeiro 2020, 18:18

Lecturing material

14 Dezembro 2019, 18:41

Papers from class today 3rd December 2019

3 Dezembro 2019, 16:06

Field Visit Companhia das Lezírias

27 Novembro 2019, 17:42

Corpo Docente

Miguel Nuno do Sacramento Monteiro Bugalho

