
Lecture 14. Part II. (presencial) Evaluation - Presentation of Seminars by the students (conclusion). Resume and discussion of the relevanmce of the Curriculat Unit.

17 Dezembro 2020, 14:30 Francisca Constança Frutuoso de Aguiar

Lecture 14. Part II. (presencial)  Evaluation - Presentation of Seminars by the students (conclusion). Discussion, auto-evaluation and hetero-evaluation. Resume of the topics tackled in the 14 weeks Weed Science course and discussion of the relevance of the Curricular Unit 

Lecture 14. Part I. (presencial) Evaluation - presentation and discussion of Seminars

14 Dezembro 2020, 11:00 Francisca Constança Frutuoso de Aguiar

Lecture 14. Part I. (presencial)  Evaluation - Presentation of Seminars by the students. Discussion, auto-evaluation and hetero-evaluation.

Lecture 13. Part II. Evaluation - 2nd Test.

10 Dezembro 2020, 14:30 Francisca Constança Frutuoso de Aguiar

Lecture 13. Part II. (presencial)  Evaluation - 2nd Test. 

Lecture 13. Part I. Identification of grass weeds using dichotomous keys. Visual identification of crop weeds and urban weeds.

7 Dezembro 2020, 11:00 Francisca Constança Frutuoso de Aguiar

Lecture 13. Part I (via Zoom/colibri) Identification of grass weeds using dichotomous keys. Visual identification of crop weeds and urban weeds. Clarification of doubts regarding the practical examination. Organization of the Seminars.

Lecture 12. Part II. Parasitic weeds and management. Toxic and aggressive weeds. Management of noxious weeds of pastures and grasslands.

3 Dezembro 2020, 14:30 Francisca Constança Frutuoso de Aguiar

Lecture 12. Part II. (via zoom/Colibri) Parasitic weeds and management. Taxonomy, distribution, biology, co-evolution processes of parasitic weeds. Management of parasitic weeds with emphasis on Orobanche sp. in tomato crops. Plant toxicity: acute and chronic. Toxic and aggressive weeds: taxonomy, biology, management of noxious weeds of pastures and grasslands.