
2nd work - branch and bound exercise

30 Abril 2021, 23:16 Isabel Maria de Jesus Martins

Dear students,

the exercise about branch-and-bound is already on-line.

Have a nice week-end,

Isabel Martins

2nd work begins

29 Abril 2021, 22:44 Isabel Maria de Jesus Martins

Dear students,

in order to start the 2nd work as soon as possible, two files were added for each group, one is the paper and the other encompasses questions about the paper. Questions on branch-and-bound and multi-objective programming will come soon. Please, read first the README file.

Remark: Students who did not submitted the 1st work, contact me ( if you would like to do the 2nd work.

1st work - Grades

29 Abril 2021, 20:46 Isabel Maria de Jesus Martins

Dear students,

the grades of the 1st work are already in MARKS.

Remark: the points of each question is as follows - Monte Carlo simulation - 5 val.; LP paper - 8 val.; LP simplex - 7 val.

Good studies,

Isabel Martins