The course will have 10 online and live two hour long sessions from May 31 to June 30, 2021. Schedule:  Mondays and Wednesdays, 18h-20h (GMT).

The course will be taught in English, unless all participants prefer Portuguese.

Enrollment (until May 21, 2021):If you do not have an account at ISA, visit to create an account
If you already have an account at ISA, go to  "Fenix ISA" e follow the Candidate Portal menu to register

Registration cost: 250 euros for non-ISA participants; 175 euros for ISA participants

Topics include:

1. Review of QGIS and access to web data (WFS, WMS, XYZ tiles)
2. The Python console and editor in QGIS
3. Intro to Python 3 in the context of QGIS
4. Basic operations on QGIS layers with Python:
 a. Loading a QGIS vector layer with Python
 b. Viewing vector layer attributes
 c. Filtering features
 d. Styling vector layers
 e. Loading a raster layer
5. Running and chaining processing tools through Python scripts in QGIS
6. Creating & editing a new vector layer
7. Managing project layers (renaming & removing)
8. Using expressions to compute new field values
9. Writing processing scripts with Python
10. Interacting with the user through Qt