Desafios e oportunidades para sistemas agrícolas tropicais na Ásia e na América Latina

29 Abril 2020, 16:30 Luís Filipe Sanches Goulão

Trabalhos de individuais e de grupo baseados na metodologia “flipped-classroom”: estudos-de-caso “What Awaits Myanmar’s Uplands Farmers? Lessons Learned from Mainland Southeast Asia”, “Rainfed Areas and Animal Agriculture in Asia: The Wanting Agenda for Transforming Productivity Growth and Rural Poverty”, “Multi-level socioecological drivers of agrarian change: Longitudinal evidence from mixed rice-livestock-aquaculture farming systems of Bangladesh”, “Agronomic Challenges and Opportunities for Smallholder Terrace Agriculture in Developing Countries”, “Large-Scale Agricultural Management and Soil Meso- and Macrofauna Conservation in the Argentine Pampas”, “Land use change and ecosystem service provision in Pampas and Campos grasslands of southern South America”, “Andean Forests and Farming Systems in part of the Eastern Cordillera (Colombia)”, “Cultivating the dry forests of South America: Diversity of land users and imprints on ecosystem functioning”.

(aula não presencial no seguimento das medidas de contenção da COVID-19 adotadas pela Universidade de Lisboa)