
Class #2 - Information Systems and GIS

22 Fevereiro 2022, 17:00 Rui Paulo Nóbrega Figueira

1. Information Systems
2. Geographic Information Systems
3. Geographic data, spatial characteristics and non-spatial characteristics
4. Data storage
5. Vector data structure
6. Practice Exercise 1: Learning by example (continuation)

Class #01

21 Fevereiro 2022, 11:00 Maria da Graça Corte-Real Mira da Silva Abrantes

Presentation of the course.

Subdivision of the students by background: beginners will start learning the fundamentals of GIS using QGIS while already experienced students will have a short revision of GIS main concepts and application exercises using ArcGIS Pro.

During next weeks the classroom for beginner students is PF1.08 (Forest building). Classroom 48 (main building) will be used for all other students.

GIS topics: 01 Topics.pdf

Introduction to the QGIS interface.

Class #1 - Introduction to GIS

21 Fevereiro 2022, 11:00 Rui Paulo Nóbrega Figueira

1. Welcome and selection of groups QGIS and ArcGIS Pro
2. Topics of GIS2021/2022
3. Introduction to GIS and overview of ArcGIS Pro interface
4. Presentation of Exercise 1: Learning by Example