
II. Yield Estimation and control

31 Outubro 2019, 09:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Yield components and the period in which they are determined. Factors affecting yield components

2.3. Yield variability and it’s causes

I. Vineyard mechanization (conc.)

24 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Vineyard spraying equipment - field demonstration of the calibration of a sprayer at the ISA vineyards

I. Vineyard mechanization (cont.)

24 Outubro 2019, 09:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

1.5. Vineyard spraying equipment.

1.7. Mechanical pruning 

I. Vineyard mechanization (cont.)

17 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

1.4. Mechanization of canopy management

1.6. Mechanical harvest

I. Vineyard mechanization

17 Outubro 2019, 09:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Introduction to Advanced Viticulture

Program and Calendar




I. Vineyard mechanization

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Mechanization of plantation

1.3. Mechanization of fertilization and soil management