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Análise de Sistemas Agrários (1 º Sem 2018/2019)




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  • Land pressures, the evolution of farming systems, and the development stategies in Africa, Food Policy 48:1-17. , Jayne, T., Chamberli, J. e Heady, D. , 2014,
  • Global agrarian transformations, vol.2: critical perspectives on food sovereignty, Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (6). , Marc, E., et al. (edit.) , 2014,
  • Comprendre l’agriculture familiale: diagnostic des systèmes de production, Wageningen, CTA / E. Quae / PAG. , Ferraton, N. e Touzard, I., 2009,
  • História das agriculturas do mundo: do neolítico à crise contemporânea, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget. , Mazoyer, M., e L. Roudart , 2001,
  • Sustainable intensification and the African smallholder farmer, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 8:15-22. , Vanlauwe, B. et al. , 2014,