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Entomologia Aplicada (2 º Sem 2016/2017)




  • Insect outbreaks. Academic Press, San Diego , Barbosa P & Schultz JC (eds), 1987,
  • Fundamentos de acaralogia agrícola. Fund. C. Gulbenkian, Lisboa , Carmona MM & Dias JCS, 1996,
  • Introdução à entomologia agrícola. FC Gulbenkian, Lisboa , Carvalho JPassos de, 1986,
  • Insects of Britain and Western Europe (Domino Guide). A & C Black Publishers Ltd, London , Chinery M, 2007,
  • Introduction to insect biology and diversity. Oxford University Press, Oxford , Daly HV, Dyen JT & Purcel-III AH, 1998,
  • The insects. An outline of Entomology. Chapman & Hall, London , Gullan PJ & Cranston PS, 1994,
  • Fundamentos de zoologia sistemática. FC Gulbenkian, Lisboa , Mateus A, 1989,
  • Handbook of sampling methods for arthropods in agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Raton , Pedigo LP & Buntin, GD (eds), 1994,


  • Apontamentos de entomologia agrícola. Escola Superior Agrária/Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco , Guimarães JM, 1986,
  • Introdução ao estudo dos insectos. Ed Edgard Blücher Lda, São Paulo , Borror DJ & Delong DM, 1988,
  • Agricultural entomology. Timber Press, Portland , Hill DS, 1994,
  • Evolution of insect pests: patterns of variation. John Wiley & Sons, New York , Kim KC & McPheron BA (eds), 1993,
  • Entomology & pest management. Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey , Pedigo LP, 1996),
  • Imm's general textbook of entomology. 10ª ed, Chapman and Hall, London. , Richards OW & Davies RG, 1977,
  • Entomologia applicata, Vol. 1, 2 e 3. Liguori Ed., Napoli. , Tremblay E, 1984-94,